Recipe - Data MiningΒΆ

The code snipped below loops over all FAAM core data files and extracts the CO and O3 data plus coordinates. All the data are concatenated and written out into one large csv file.

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Scripts finds all FAAM core data files and filters for the latest revision.
The FAAM_Dataset object from the faampy module is used, which makes processing
easier, by synchronicing variables names and adding an artificial WOW FLag for
old flights.


import os
import netCDF4
import numpy as np

from faampy.core.faam_data import FAAM_Dataset
from faampy.utils.file_list import File_List


ROOT_DATA_PATH = '/mnt/faamarchive/badcMirror/data/'
OUTFILENAME = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'chemistry_spatial.csv')


# Get all hires FAAM core data that are in the ROOT_DATA_PATH directory
fl = File_List(ROOT_DATA_PATH)

def extract(core_netcdf):
    Extracts all CO and O3 data from a FAAM core netCDF.


    ncfilename = os.path.join(core_netcdf.path, core_netcdf.filename)
    ds = FAAM_Dataset(ncfilename)
    _ds_index = ds.index.ravel()
    units = 'seconds since %s 00:00:00 +0000' % str(_ds_index[0])[:10]
    timestamp = netCDF4.num2date(ds.variables['Time'][:].ravel(), units)
    n = timestamp.size

    if 'CO_AERO' in ds.variables.keys():
        co_aero = ds.variables['CO_AERO'][:]
        co_aero_flag = ds.variables['CO_AERO_FLAG'][:]
        co_aero[co_aero_flag != 0] = -9999.0
        co_aero = np.zeros(n)-9999.0

    if 'O3_TECO' in ds.variables.keys():
        o3_teco = ds.variables['O3_TECO'][:]
        o3_teco_flag = ds.variables['O3_TECO_FLAG'][:]
        o3_teco[o3_teco_flag != 0] = -9999.0
        o3_teco = np.zeros(n)-9999.0

    # Old FAAM files didn't have the GIN instrument fitted
    if 'LAT_GIN' in ds.variables.keys():
        lon_var_name = 'LON_GIN'
        lat_var_name = 'LAT_GIN'
        alt_var_name = 'ALT_GIN'
    elif 'LAT_GPS' in ds.variables.keys():
        lon_var_name = 'LON_GPS'
        lat_var_name = 'LAT_GPS'
        alt_var_name = 'GPS_ALT'

    if len(ds.variables[lon_var_name][:].shape) > 1:
        x = ds.variables[lon_var_name][:, 0].ravel()
        y = ds.variables[lat_var_name][:, 0].ravel()
        z = ds.variables[alt_var_name][:, 0].ravel()
        x = ds.variables[lon_var_name][:].ravel()
        y = ds.variables[lat_var_name][:].ravel()
        z = ds.variables[alt_var_name][:].ravel()

    wow = ds.variables['WOW_IND'][:].ravel()

    timestamp_string = [t.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') for t in timestamp]
    fid = [core_netcdf.fid,]*n
    result = zip(list(np.array(timestamp_string)[wow == 0]),
                 list(np.array(fid)[wow == 0]),
                 list(x[wow == 0]),
                 list(y[wow == 0]),
                 list(z[wow == 0]),
                 list(co_aero[wow == 0]),
                 list(o3_teco[wow == 0]))
    return result

# open the output file and write the column labels out
ofile = open(OUTFILENAME, 'w')

# loop over all core files
for core_netcdf in fl:
    print('Working on ... %s' % core_netcdf.fid)
        data = extract(core_netcdf)
        print('  Issue with %s ...' % core_netcdf.fid)

    out_txt = ['%s,%s,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n' % l for l in data]
    out_txt = ''.join(out_txt)
